Jasmine 1.0 Released

September 14, 2010 Davis W. Frank

Pivotal Labs and the Jasmine team are pleased to announce the 1.0 release of Jasmine, our JavaScript BDD framework.

This release is largely about stabilization. We’ve fixed some bugs, stabilized our API, and improved support for JRuby and Ruby 1.9. There are several deprecations (especially around asynchronous ‘waits’ blocks and some matchers) to go along with the fixes and features. See the release notes for full details.

This release is available in standalone and Ruby gem versions.

Our upcoming priorities include improving the documentation, properly supporting Rails 3 and RSpec 2 and a number of other environments, and looking at all of your pull requests and issue reports. Jasmine’s backlog lives in Pivotal Tracker.

Big thanks to the Jasmine community for the pull requests; the majority of changes between 0.11.1 and 1.0 are based on user-submitted patches.

See you on the mailing list and make sure to follow us on Twitter: @jasminebdd

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