April Product Updates: FinOps Certified Service Provider, AWS Commitment Discount Recommendations, and Dark Mode!

May 1, 2024 Dan Naparstek

We’re excited to introduce our new monthly summary of VMware Tanzu CloudHealth product enhancements. At the beginning of each month, we will post a summary of the previous month’s updates to keep you informed of our newest features and enhancements. Please reach out if you’d like to learn more!

Last month, Tanzu CloudHealth was recognized as a FinOps Certified Service Provider and made several significant platform enhancement announcements, including:

  • General availability of AWS Commitment Discount Recommendations
  • General availability of AWS EC2 Actual Cost in Rightsizing Recommendations
  • Public beta for action to purchase recommendations in Savings Automator
  • Introduction of new dark theme user experience
  • Update to Forecasting feature

Tanzu CloudHealth is now a FinOps Certified Service Provider!

We are extremely pleased to announce that Tanzu CloudHealth has earned recognition as a FinOps Certified Service Provider. This certification can be attributed to the incredible work and comprehensive service offerings of Tanzu CloudHealth Customer Success, Partner Success, Professional Services, and Platform Training teams. When combined with our existing certification as a FinOps Certified Platform, Tanzu CloudHealth offers a complete solution for customers who need a tool to support their FinOps Journey and services to help them accelerate their practice.

AWS Commitment Discount Recommendations – General Availability

AWS Commitment Discount Recommendations are now generally available in Tanzu CloudHealth. With this new feature set, customers can now see aggregated recommendations for purchasing Reserved Instances for all reservable resource types that AWS offers. Recommendations are generated by Tanzu CloudHealth algorithms, and the data from the commitment-based discounts is available via a GraphQL API. Read the blog we published recently to learn more. 

AWS EC2 Actual Cost in Rightsizing Recommendations – General Availability

Now generally available, AWS EC2 Actual Cost in our rightsizing recommendations allows Tanzu CloudHealth customers to view the recommendations based on the following two pricing methods: 

  • List price - View recommendations based on the listed on-demand price for the AWS service/instance. 
  • Actual Cost - View recommendations based on the actual usage cost. 

Actual Cost recommendations consider the discounts or pricing impacts on the source instance that result from Reserved Instances, Convertible RIs, and Savings Plans. The addition of this pricing method gives customers more visibility into how rightsizing recommendations are calculated as well as a better understanding of their costs and savings if they choose to move forward with a rightsizing decision. It also helps customers understand whether they have additional optimization opportunities for their commitment-based discounts and how these changes could impact future budget planning. To learn more about Tanzu CloudHealth’s rightsizing capabilities for AWS, check out our previous blog.

Savings Automator: Purchase Recommendations Action - Public Beta

Savings Automator in Tanzu CloudHealth helps customers ensure that cost saving opportunities are realized (and realized on time) by offering the option to automate actions on Convertible Reserved Instances and Savings Plans for AWS. Available actions include reuse, boost, and merge, as well as a new action to purchase recommendations in public beta. 

Purchase recommendations are generated based on the key performance indicators (KPIs) derived from the commitment preferences that are configured in the Savings Automator. These KPIs are then measured against remaining on-demand resource usage. Clicking on each purchase recommendation provides more details on the action, including an overview of settings, effective savings rate, total coverage, spend and save estimates, and a chart showing on-demand and commitment costs. By default, the purchase recommendations are generated at the billing account level. Please note that automation for purchase recommendations will not be available while it is in the public beta stage.

Dark Theme UI Option

We’ve heard your feedback and are delighted to now offer you the choice to use Tanzu CloudHealth in either a light or dark theme! The selection is available through a simple toggle and themes are set on a per-user basis. 

Update to Forecasting: Budget & Variance Values in Data Grid

To make data more easily visible in Tanzu CloudHealth Forecasting, we’ve added columns showing budget and variance values in the data grid that correspond to our Forecast charts. This additional data makes it easier to understand the exact difference between budget and actual values as well as budget and forecasted values. To view these columns in the data grid, choose “None” as the category, select a desired budget, and click the “Show Variance details” checkbox above the data grid. We will continue developing this functionality and will soon be adding the ability to export variance values within the data grid.

We’ll be back with another update in the beginning of June. Learn more about Tanzu CloudHealth today by visiting our website, or take the next step and get started with a free trial. We will also be onsite at FinOps X in San Diego from June 19-22 – if you are there please stop by our booth and say hello!

About the Author

Dan Naparstek

Dan is Senior Product Marketing Manager for VMware Tanzu CloudHealth & Tanzu Hub. He focuses on overall messaging and enablement, VMware Explore events, dad jokes, and driving the launches of new features. Prior to joining Broadcom, Dan held roles in sports marketing, brand consulting, market research, and earned his MBA from the Carroll School of Management at Boston College.

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