Navigating the End of Spring Framework 5.3 Support and Preparing for the Future

September 11, 2024

Written by Michelle Sebek and Raquel Pau

Spring Framework 5.3 and 6.0 have arrived at the end of their open-source support life cycle, a critical juncture for developers and IT managers. This article is your roadmap to understanding the implications, potential risks, and strategic upgrade options to ensure your applications remain secure, efficient, and up-to-date.

The Significance of Spring Framework 5.3 and 6.0 End of Support

Spring Framework 5.3 and 6.0 reached the end of OSS (Open Source Software) support on August 31, 2024. This milestone means no new patches will be issued for any newly discovered vulnerabilities (CVEs) in the libraries associated with the Spring Framework project. This includes over 60 artifacts, like spring-core, spring-beans, spring-context, spring-web, and spring-jpa.

Without these crucial updates, applications running on Spring Framework's outdated versions are at risk of security breaches, which can lead to data loss, unauthorized access, and compliance issues. Developers and IT managers need to recognize the gravity of this transition and take proactive measures to mitigate potential risks.

Upgrading Matters

Upgrading to Spring Framework 6.x enhances security and enables your applications to continue to perform at their best. Not utilizing the latest versions of Spring, ultimately affecting your infrastructure and development expenses. Staying current with software versions enables compatibility with other modern technologies and frameworks, fostering innovation and efficiency within your organization.

Tanzu Platform

Tanzu Platform offers an extended support plan for a smooth transition. With this service, you'll receive Spring Framework 5.3 and 6.0 patch releases through the end of 2026. This allows ample time to strategize and implement your upgrade while maintaining security and functionality.

Adopting Spring Framework 6.0.x

Enhanced Performance and Efficiency

Spring Framework 6.0.x offers benefits and performance improvements that can significantly enhance your application's efficiency by adopting Java 17. These enhancements can lead to reduced infrastructure costs, faster response times, and a better user experience. Upgrading to this version enables your application to leverage the latest technology advancements.

Improved Security

Security is a top priority for any application. Adopting Spring Framework 6, your application can access the latest security patches and updates. This significantly reduces the risk of vulnerabilities and improves data protection and users from potential threats.

Future-Proofing Your Applications

Technology is evolving constantly, and adopting Spring Framework 6 enables your application to remain future-proof. This version is designed to work seamlessly with modern technologies and frameworks, providing a solid foundation for future developments and integrations.

Challenges of Upgrading to Spring Framework 6.0.x

Necessity of Java 17

Upgrading to Spring Framework 6.0.x presents one major challenge: the necessity of using Java 17. Adapting to this transition may involve refactoring your current code base to align with Jakarta and Spring API updates. Ensuring compatibility with Java 17 is crucial for successfully upgrading Spring Framework 6.0.x. Java 17's adoption has surged by 430% in one year, capturing the attention of developers.

According to the State of Spring 2024 report, keeping up with these changes has become increasingly demanding. Among the 1,500 Spring users surveyed worldwide, 48% cited their inability to prioritize the upgrade as the main reason for not upgrading. 

Significant Code Refactoring

Upgrading to Spring Framework 6.0.x involves significant code refactoring to adapt to the new APIs and frameworks. This process can be complex and time-consuming, requiring careful planning and execution to minimize disruptions to your application.

Manual vs. Automated Upgrades

You have two options for upgrading to Spring Framework 6.0.x—manual implementation or utilizing automated tools. The manual approach involves following the Spring 6.0.x upgrade guide, which provides detailed instructions on the necessary changes. Alternatively, you can use the Spring Application Advisor, available through Spring's commercial support, to streamline the upgrade process.

Utilizing the Spring Application Advisor

What is the Spring Application Advisor?

The Spring Application Advisor is designed to facilitate incremental and continuous upgrades in your Spring applications via automatic pull requests. It updates Spring dependency versions, refreshes managed dependencies for boot applications, and addresses API-breaking changes.

How Does It Work?

The Spring Application Advisor analyzes your existing code base and identifies the necessary changes to upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.x. It then generates automatic pull requests with the required modifications, simplifying the upgrade process and reducing the risk of errors. For instance, it will prevent an upgrade if you have internal components using Spring and have not been upgraded yet.

Exclusive Commercial Recipes

Spring Application Advisor uses behind the scenes an extensive and commercial list of OpenRewrite recipes to upgrade your (Java) sources, and one of them is for upgrading to Spring Framework 6.0.x.

The commercial recipes for Spring Framework 6.0.x include all deterministic changes specified in the upgrade guide, and those mentioned in various GitHub issues and release notes. Exclusive to commercial Spring Framework 6.0.x recipes are upgrades for  HttpStatus, MultipartResolvers, SerializationUtils, MergedAnnotations, and Async annotations. All these recipes can be executed via OpenRewrite build plugins. 

Spring Application Advisor 

Example of Code Change

Here's an example of a code change included in an automatic pull request to integrate Jakarta:

This automated process enables your application to remain up-to-date with the latest frameworks and APIs, reducing the time and effort required for manual upgrades.

Planning Your Upgrade Strategy

Assess Your Current Infrastructure

Before initiating the upgrade process, it is vital to evaluate your existing Spring applications. Identify the components that need to be updated, the dependencies involved, and any potential compatibility issues. This assessment will provide a clear roadmap for your upgrade strategy.

Develop a Detailed Upgrade Plan

A detailed upgrade plan is essential for a smooth transition to Spring Framework 6.0.x. This plan should include timelines, resource allocation, and a step-by-step approach to implementing the necessary changes. Having a well-defined plan will help minimize disruptions and ensure a successful upgrade.

Testing 1, 2, 3

Thorough testing is a critical component of any upgrade strategy. Allow your application to be thoroughly tested at each stage of the upgrade process to identify and address any issues. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing to enable your application to function correctly and efficiently after the upgrade.

Accessing Documentation and Resources

Spring Framework provides extensive documentation and resources to support developers through the upgrade process. These resources include detailed guides, tutorials, and troubleshooting tips to ensure a smooth and successful transition to Spring Framework 6.0.x.

Seeking Professional Support

If you encounter challenges during the upgrade process, consider seeking professional support from experienced consultants and developers at Tanzu Labs. Tanzu Labs can provide targeted assistance and expertise to address complex issues and ensure a successful upgrade.

Final Thoughts

The end of support for Spring Framework 5.3 and 6.0 marks a critical transition for developers and IT managers. Upgrading to Spring Framework 6.0.x can boost your applications' security and performance. By leveraging tools like the Spring Application Advisor, engaging with the Spring community, and developing a detailed upgrade plan, you can successfully navigate this transition and unlock the full potential of your applications. Start your upgrade journey today, and ensure your applications remain secure, efficient, and innovative.

Next Steps

Ready to take the next step? Explore our resources, engage with the community, and start planning your upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.x today. For personalized assistance and expert guidance, contact us

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