How To Create a Fluid Application for Pivotal Tracker

February 1, 2009 Joe Moore

As a developer of web apps, I’m inevitably running 3 or 4 browsers, each with 10 tabs open containing my application under development, Google searches, gotapi (pronounced “got a pie?” of course!), design wireframes, and all kinds of other very important stuff. And in one of those tabs, somewhere, is Pivotal Tracker. Browsers and tabs are great, but sometimes you just want an Application — notice the capital “A.”

Fluid to the rescue! Fluid lets you create Site Specific Browsers, which “provide a great solution for your WebApp woes.” In a nutshell, Fluid makes a custom WebKit browser that, when launched, opens just the site you configured it to open, such as Gmail, Pandora, or even Pivotal Tracker. I love that I can maximize the Pivotal Tracker app and boost the font 3 or 4 levels, filling a screen with Tracker goodness without the clutter or navigation buttons, bookmark bars, or tabs. And where is Tracker? Just command-tab!

Here’s how to create a Fluid application for Pivotal Tracker.

  1. Download and install Fluid
  2. Download the Fluid Icon for Pivotal Tracker
  3. Launch Fluid
  4. Enter the following:
    • URL:
    • Name: Pivotal Tracker
    • Location: pick one!
    • Icon: pick ‘Other…’ then find the tracker icon you downloaded earlier
  5. Click Create, then launch it!

Once launched, open the Pivotal Tracker preferences and change the Window Style to “HUD (Black)” under Appearance Preferences Why? Because it looks cool.


Here is the Fluid icon, upon request.

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