Panel: Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes - Did it Blend?

October 16, 2018

Panel: Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes - Did it Blend? - Bernd Krannich, SAP SE, Simon Moser, IBM, Jeff Hobbs, SUSE, Chris Crall, Google, Ulrich Homann, Microsoft, Cornelia Davis, Pivotal, & Swarna Podila, Cloud Foundry Foundation The integration of Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes was one of the major topics during Cloud Foundry Summit Boston. One of the sessions there that created quite some interest was the panel discussion “Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes - Will it blend?” (, In a sequel to this panel discussion, representatives of major companies in the Cloud Foundry ecosystem will reconvene to assess the status of an integration between Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes, the progress that has been made since CF Summit Boston, and updates to the visions these companies have for a future of Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes.

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