Cloud Configuration Ecosystem at Intuit - Marcello de Sales

December 14, 2017

Complete Abstract: Abbreviated abstract: Configuration management at Intuit has been reshaped over the last 18 months since the adoption of Spring Cloud Config Server. This work represents a breakthrough in configuration management practices that are changing how Intuit implements configuration management since the company’s inception over 20+ years ago. In essence, any application ranging from desktop and service monoliths started their migration to the cloud without breaking their own DNA: configuration was still part of the binary built on Continuous Integration to be deployed in different data centers. As a consequence, we were still facing the same old challenges: what happens when a new configuration change is required for the entire fleet on multiple private data centers and the cloud? The new answer lies in the adoption of the Spring Cloud Config Server as our One Intuit Configuration Service using the SaaS model, which represents a new shift from manual Operational changes to the simple Pull Requests on related Github Enterprise repositories. Marcello de Sales, Staff Software Engineer, Intuit Filmed at SpringOne Platform 2017

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