Walking Through Spring Cloud Data Flow

September 25, 2020

This session shows how you can use Spring Cloud Data Flow (SCDF) to continuously deploy, scale, monitor, and manage your stream and batch workloads by leveraging the capabilities of platforms such as Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes. This session walks you through the tooling capabilities of SCDF, including the SCDF shell and Dashboard interfaces. In addition to the core orchestration features, you’ll also see a demo of creating a real-time streaming pipeline on Kubernetes, using recipes such as functional composition of the applications, binding multiple input and output destinations between applications, embedding polyglot (Python and Kotlin) or Kafka Streams applications inside the streaming pipeline, and managing workloads across multiple platforms. You’ll also see a demo on scheduling and continuously deploying batch workloads on Kubernetes, creating a single-step batch job with no coding, and distributing batch job processing across multiple machines. Glenn Renfro, Software Developer at VMware; Ilayaperumal Gopinathan, Staff Software Engineer at VMware Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/Pivotal/walking-through-spring-cloud-data-flow

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