Tanzu Tuesdays 54 - Observability and How I joined the Spring Team with Jonatan Ivanov

June 9, 2021

Jonatan is a new addition to the Spring Team, he’s going to talk about his interviewing experience, his daily work in the Spring Team and this is also a good opportunity to ask questions from him. You can often hear that logging, metrics, and distributed tracing are the “three pillars of Observability” but having access to them does not necessarily mean more observable systems. We will talk about what Observability is, what problems the three pillars solve, what problems they generate and what Spring has to offer to implement the three pillars and what else you can find in Spring to look under the hood of your running system. --- Jonatan Ivanov is an enthusiastic Software Engineer working in the Spring Cloud Team, one of the leaders of the Seattle Java User Group, speaker, author, certified dragon trainer. He has hands-on experience in developing and shipping innovative, production-ready software for industry-leader companies. He likes Distributed Systems, Production, Open Source, Math, Linux, Cloud environments; he is passionate about the Java Ecosystem and the Java Community. He is an Open Source contributor, writes a “develotters”-focused blog (https://develotters.com), sometimes can be found on Twitter(@jonatan_ivanov) and in the Seattle area but he is originally from Hungary.

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