Tanzu Tuesdays 57 - Spring Boot loves Tanzu Observability with Madhura Bhave & Stéphane Nicoll

July 14, 2021

As application developers we spend a lot of time thinking of ways to improve the efficiency of our web application. We could completely rewrite it, leverage more concurrency and even add reactive features. But how do we know if it is more efficient if we don’t measure and track relevant metrics? Once the application is pushed to production, we might also need to monitor the status of external services that the application relies on. For easy consumption of such metrics, being able to visualize them on a dashboard may make understanding the application behavior easier. In this talk, we will cover how metrics collected by a Spring Boot application can be sent to Tanzu Observability (Wavefront) using the Wavefront Spring Boot starter. Using a WebFlux demo application, we will go over out-of-the-box metrics, add custom metrics and look at how a slow remote service can be detected. We will also look at sending trace data to Wavefront. -- Madhura Bhave is a software engineer at VMware on the Spring Boot team. Before joining the Spring Boot team, Madhura worked on the UAA (Authentication and Authorization component for Cloud Foundry). https://twitter.com/madhurabhave23 Stéphane has 20 years of experience in software engineering with a strong focus on API development on the JVM. After having spent more than a decade developing large scale Java enterprise applications in the geospatial, financial, or logistics sectors, he joins the core Spring Framework development team in 2014. Currently, Stéphane works on Spring Boot and leads start.spring.io, a service that helps millions of users start their next application. https://twitter.com/snicoll

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Tanzu Tuesdays 62 - Monitoring Avail. w/Error Budget Burn Rate on Tanzu Observability w/Amber Salome

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