Connecting Spring Apps to Distributed SQL Clusters Running in Kubernetes

September 5, 2020

"Enterprises don’t run one instance of a data store. They run many, usually spanning continents and possibly the globe. This has the potential to make a developer’s life very difficult and can introduce massive complexities. In this session, you’ll learn how to easily create and scale a distributed database. Then we’ll connect a Spring application to interact with it. The example will introduce high availability as well as disaster recovery capabilities. The Spring API will use Spring Data JPA repositories as well as a new cluster-aware JDBC data source driver to connect with YugabyteDB. The database, as well as the application’s instance, will be deployed in Kubernetes, using its best practices." Nikhil Chandrappa, Software Engineer Lead at Yugabyte Inc; Anthony Vetter, Sr. Product Marketing Manager at VMware Slides:

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