The Brilliant Practice of Balanced Platform Teams

September 6, 2020

Running a modern platform can be messy. We face ever-increasing stakes, uncertainty, and complexity. It only gets harder when platform teams work in isolation from their stakeholders (not always by choice). Does this sound familiar? Does it make you a little sad inside? There is hope. A balanced team can give your platform the unicorn magic it needs to take flight and rescue you from the gloom. A balanced team is like painting with all the colors of the rainbow (if, for example, InfoSec or QA actually came in colors). Most importantly, a balanced platform team will simplify the lives of your developers. Christie Lynam, Samah, Majadla, Taj Moore, and Christopher Pittman will share practical lessons from their years of herding cats and building IT platforms teams with VMware Pivotal Labs. You’ll learn methods you can apply right away, as well as long-term strategies that ensure your team will possess the skill sets and creative tension that build great (even magical) platforms. Samah Majadla, Solutions Architect at VMware; Christie Lynam, Solutions Architect at VMware; Christopher Pittman, Product Person at VMware; Taj Moore, Product Manager at VMware Slides:

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