NYC Live Coding with Spring Boot & Actuators

November 2, 2017

Speaker: JOHN HUMPHREYS VP OF ENGINEERING INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS, NOMURA Spring Boot is a modern and extensible development framework that aims (and succeeds!) to take as much pain as possible out of developing with Java. With just a few Maven dependencies, new or existing programs become runnable, init.d-compliant uber-JARs or uber-WARs with embedded web-servers and virtually zero-configuration, code or otherwise. As an added freebie, Spring Boot Actuator will provide your programs with amazing configuration-free production monitoring facilities that let you have RESTFUL endpoints serving live stack-traces, heap and GC statistics, database statuses, spring-bean definitions, and password-masked configuration file audits.

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NYC Microservices Pattern Language

Speaker: CHRIS RICHARDSON FOUNDER, EVENTUATE When architecting an enterprise Java application, you need to ...

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