Ratpack Web Framework

October 2, 2015
Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenter: Dan Woods Groovy Ecosystem Track Ratpack is a high-through, reactive, non-blocking web framework for Java 8. Ratpack is designed to ease the complexities of programming in a non-blocking, asynchronous manner by providing a rich API and deterministic execution model. The framework takes a developer-first approach to development, sporting hot reloading and test fixtures that make the process of writing well-tested, powerful web applications easier than ever. This talk will showcase the framework's features, and attendees will leave with an understanding of how to write applications with Ratpack.
Deploying, Scaling and Running Grails on AWS and VPC
Deploying, Scaling and Running Grails on AWS and VPC

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenter: Ryan Vanderwerf GG Special Topics This talk will cover how to get...

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Using Groovy & Spock to Develop Tests as Assets Not Afterthoughts
Using Groovy & Spock to Develop Tests as Assets Not Afterthoughts

Recorded at SpringOne2GX 2015 Presenter: Brian Westrich Groovy Ecosystem Talk This talk is based on my exp...