Adding Edge Data to Your AI and Analytics Strategy

November 2, 2018
IoT and edge analytics/intelligence are broad terms that cover a wide range of applications and architectures. The one constant is that the data that streams in from sensors and other edge devices is valuable, offering a wealth of opportunities to process and exploit, in order to improve the products and services that enterprises offer to their customers. But what is the nature of these intelligent analytical operations that one could do with sensor data, and where should those operations be performed? For example, where geographically should machine-learning models be trained: near the edge, in the data center, or perhaps at an intermediate point in between? In this webinar, Neil Raden from Hired Brains Research and Frank McQuillan from Pivotal will discuss the notion of edge analytics/intelligence, including where to perform computations, what context is needed to do so effectively, and what the platforms look like that enable advanced analytics and machine learning on IoT data at scale. We will also offer examples from recent experience that demonstrate the range of possibilities. Presenters : Neil Raden, Hired Brains and Frank McQuillan, Pivotal
.NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp Minneapolis
.NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp Minneapolis

Slides from the .NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp, hosted by Pivotal in Minneapolis.

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Monitor and Measure Your Way to Successful Digital Transformation

Measuring and showing progress is critical to drive technology adoption and ensure the success of your mode...