The Consistent Hash Exchange: Making RabbitMQ a better broker - Jack Vanlightly

December 10, 2018

In this session we'll look at an alternative to the competing consumer pattern by using the Consistent Hash Exchange. We'll see how this exchange enables different messaging patterns such as data locality, message processing order guarantees at scale and helping to avoid large queues which can be difficult to keep synchronized in a HA configuration. -- The first RabbitMQ Summit connected RabbitMQ users and developers from around the world in London on November 12, 2018. Learn what's happening in and around RabbitMQ, and how top companies utilize RabbitMQ to power their services. RabbitMQ Summit was organized by: - Erlang Solutions, offering world-leading RabbitMQ Consultancy, Support, Health Checks & Tuning solutions - CloudAMQP, offering fully managed RabbitMQ clusters RabbitMQ Summit 2018 was sponsored by the following companies. Platinum sponsors: Pivotal LShift Gold sponors: Trifork AWS Silver sponsor: Cogin Queue Explorer

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10 Things Every Developer Using RabbitMQ Should Know

RabbitMQ is the most popular open-source message broker. It’s a de facto standard for message-based archite...

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Real-world RabbitMQ deployments - Gerhard Lazu & Wayne Lund
Real-world RabbitMQ deployments - Gerhard Lazu & Wayne Lund

Come and join us in exploring what it looks like to succeed with RabbitMQ in production. We will cover 3 di...