Continuous Delivery for Microservice Architectures with Concourse & Cloud Foundry — Alex Ley

August 19, 2016

Slides: Building a continuous delivery pipeline for your micro-service based architecture can be a real challenge when using more conventional CI systems like Jenkins and GoCD. How do you get a clear picture of the CI workflow and status? What artifact was deployed and when? How is this all configured? Introducing Concourse (, an open source pipeline based CI system that focuses on simplicity, usability and reproducibility. It offers isolated builds, a range of integrations and is built upon a proven technology stack from Cloud Foundry. This talk will demonstrate creating a continuous delivery pipeline for a Spring microservice-based application that uses Spring Cloud. You will see how the pipeline tests services, integrates and then blue / green deploys to Cloud Foundry. Expect to rush to your laptop to try out Concourse after this session! Speaker: Alex Ley

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