Tracker and SemaphoreApp integration for continuous delivery

July 20, 2013 Robbie Clutton

We’ve been using SemaphoreApp for continuous integration of an internal app I’m working on. It a beta feature for deployments on a successful build that we’ve been successfully using for a little while. On previous projects I’ve tried to use a flow for Tracker integration which was well written up by fellow Pivot, Ian Zabel.

I wanted to introduce a gem I’d written called tracker-git which marks stories as delivered as part of a continuous deployment workflow. Doing this with Semaphore was easy. Here is our configuration for deployment (via Heroku). APPNAME is the Heroku project name and PROJ_ID is the Pivotal Tracker project number while API_KEY is the Pivotal Tracker API key.

    git push --force heroku $BRANCH_NAME:master
    heroku run rake db:migrate -a APPNAME
    heroku restart -a APPNAME
    bundle install
    bundle exec tracker PROJ_ID API_KEY

About the Author

Robbie Clutton

Robbie Clutton is the Head of Pivotal Labs in EMEA.

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