Tanzu Tuesdays - Spring Native with Sébastien Deleuze

January 21, 2021

Spring Native is a new effort from the Spring team that allows to compile Spring applications to native executables, using GraalVM, in order to create lightweight containers that start almost instantly and consume 4x less memory than the same application running on a regular JVM. Sébastien will share the latest status of this effort, with more details on the upcoming beta of Spring Native for GraalVM, the ongoing challenges and how the Spring team plan to address them. === Sébastien Deleuze Sébastien is a Spring Framework committer at VMware. He works on Kotlin and GraalVM native support across Spring portfolio, and created the Spring Fu experimental project with introduces KoFu and JaFU DSLs to configure Spring Boot in a functional way. He is also part of the MiXiT conference staff crew.

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