Strategies on How to Overcome Security Challenges Unique to Cloud-Native Apps

May 18, 2017
As IT organizations build and release software continuously, how do security teams become enablers of this pace? How can you ensure that the higher rate of change is not leading to lesser security? Join our webinar to learn how Pivotal and Signal Sciences work together to make app deployments faster *and* safer in cloud-native environments. This webinar will cover: - Best practices for implementing new security programs and incentivizing their adoption - How to simplify application layer security deployments across a variety of apps, teams and cloud infrastructures - How threat visibility and real time attack telemetry brings security context into DevOps teams, and improves response times. Presenters: Zane Lackey, Signal Sciences and Kamala Dasika, Pivotal
Better Threat Detection and Response with Analytics for Lateral Movement
Better Threat Detection and Response with Analytics for Lateral Movement

To better understand anomalous user behaviors, enterprises increasingly complement their security portfolio...

A More Practical Approach to Encrypting Data In Motion
A More Practical Approach to Encrypting Data In Motion

A More Practical Approach to Encrypting Data in MotionJustin Smith, Pivotal’s Chief Security Officer for Pr...