Kubo (Cloud Foundry Container Platform): Your Gateway Drug to Cloud-native

October 24, 2017
You’re at the Cloud Foundry Summit, which means you are by definition a cloud-native enthusiast. There’s no question that building apps in this architectural style will produce resilient, scalable software in an agile manner, and allow you to operate it far more efficiently than you’ve been able to in the past. But you’ve also got a whole lot of software in your company’s portfolio that isn’t there yet. Do you have to resign yourself to the pains of managing those applications the old way until you can finally refactor them to be cloud-native? Kubo to the rescue. You can run legacy applications on Kubo without significant refactoring – pure and simple. As an added bonus, it allows you to satisfy the CIO mandate of running containers (check). But it’s far more than that – running those workloads on Kubo offers advantages over running them on traditional virtualized infrastructure. This session covers those advantages –resource consolidation, health management, multi-cloud and more. It will also present the abstractions in Kubernetes, things like pods and stateful sets, that support running legacy workloads in the cloud environments that are far more distributed and changing than they have been in the past. It’s a first step to cloud-native.
Kubernetes on Cloud Foundry
Kubernetes on Cloud Foundry

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