Fostering Psychological Safety in the Workplace: The Secret Ingredient to High-Performing Teams

September 28, 2023 Krista Luna

Ever wondered what makes some teams click while others just... don't? Skills, resources, and leadership matter; but picture this: a workplace where everyone feels they can speak up, make mistakes, and ask "silly" questions without the fear of being judged. That secret sauce? It's called psychological safety and can be considered the magic glue that holds teams together, letting them collaborate and innovate without hesitation. Understanding and embracing the concept of psychological safety may be the game-changer your team needs.

What is psychological safety?

Think of psychological safety as a judgment-free zone where everyone on a team feels they can put their thoughts out there, however outside of the box or unpopular they might seem, without being shot down or laughed at. It's like having an invisible shield that guards against negativity and makes people feel okay about being open, even if it means showing their vulnerable side. This doesn't just mean that folks can freely share ideas with no boundaries; it also means they can admit to errors without the dread of blame. Instead, these slip-ups are seen as stepping stones, helping the team learn and grow together.

What psychological safety isn’t

Let's clear up a few things about psychological safety. First off, it's not a call for everyone to become BFFs at work, or for disagreements to magically disappear. Nor does it mean creating a workspace where everyone tiptoes around issues, avoiding any form of tension or hierarchy. It's definitely not a get-out-of-jail-free card to dodge accountability. At its core, psychological safety is about carving out a space where every voice, no matter how soft or bold, young or experienced, finds its resonance.

Tangible perks of high psychological safety in teams

So  how do businesses benefit when they prioritize psychological safety? A whole lot, as it turns out:

  • Innovation takes flight – In an environment where fear of judgment takes a backseat, creativity thrives. Team members become emboldened to pitch those wild, game-changing ideas that might just be the next big thing.
  • Squashing conflict becomes easier – Disagreements? They're a natural part of teamwork. But when there's psychological safety, these conflicts are tackled head-on, leading to solutions rather than lingering resentment.
  • Employees stick around – Imagine working in a place where you genuinely feel seen and heard. It's a no-brainer that when employees feel safe, they’re bound to stay longer and invest more in their roles.
  • Stepping up the performance game – With everyone freely sharing thoughts and strategies, the road to optimal solutions becomes clearer and shorter, and stellar team performance hits the mark.

In essence, a psychologically safe environment isn't just about feeling good; it translates to real, tangible benefits that can catapult a business to new heights.

Building psychological safety: your game plan

So you're sold on the concept of psychological safety and its perks. The next logical question is: how do you go about embedding it within your team? The following practices can help set you on the right track.

  • Be the change – As a leader or team member, talk the talk. Your openness will set a precedent. If you advocate for candor but are closed off yourself, the message gets muddled. Show vulnerability, acknowledge your missteps, share your learnings, and watch your team follow suit.
  • Embrace the oops – Mistakes? We all make them. Instead of casting them as failures, view them as gold mines of learning. Create a culture where it's okay to say, "I made a mistake," and then pivot to, "Here's what I learned."
  • Feedback is gold – Foster an environment where feedback isn't just accepted but actively sought out. Let your team know that their perspectives are invaluable, and watch how this open dialogue catalyzes growth and improvement.
  • Harmonize the chorus – Every voice in your team, be it the freshest intern or the most seasoned manager, carries weight and wisdom. By ensuring each voice is acknowledged and valued, you cultivate a rich tapestry of insights and ideas.
  • Stay in the loop – Remember, psychological safety is not a one-off task but an ongoing endeavor. Regularly touch base with your team members and make it a point to understand their highs and lows, laud their achievements, and offer support through their challenges.

At the heart of every high-achieving team lies psychological safety. When cultivated, it has the transformative power to redefine the contours of organizational success. It's more than just a feel-good factor; it's the linchpin that turns individuals into high-performing teams. By championing psychological safety, organizations are doing more than just fostering a harmonious workplace. They are laying down the groundwork for inventive breakthroughs and setting the trajectory for unprecedented growth. Dive deeper, stay curious and actively integrate psychological safety into your teams.

Contact us and learn more about how VMware Tanzu Labs builds high-performing teams with psychological safety at its heart.

Learn more about psychological safety

Embarking on the journey of understanding and instilling psychological safety in your organization? Great choice! To help you navigate this important terrain, here's a curated list of resources that can serve as your compass:

  • Books to check out
    • The Fearless Organization by Amy C. Edmondson – A deep dive into the intricacies of psychological safety. Edmondson provides readers with actionable advice, illuminating case studies, and compelling reasons why creating such an environment is pivotal.
    • Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. by Brené Brown – Brown is renowned for her research on vulnerability, courage, and empathy. In this book, she introduces tools and practices to help leaders cultivate more humane work environments. While not exclusively about psychological safety, the principles of vulnerability and courage directly relate to and bolster the concepts of a psychologically safe workspace.
    • Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink – While Pink's Drive focuses primarily on motivation, it also touches upon the conditions that foster intrinsic motivation in the workplace. A psychologically safe environment is inherently linked to these conditions, making it a must-read for anyone aiming to foster such an atmosphere.
    • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler – Effective communication is a cornerstone of psychological safety. This book equips readers with the tools to have open, productive, and honest conversations, even when the stakes are high or topics are sensitive. Creating an environment where these types of discussions are possible and encouraged is central to promoting psychological safety.
  • Digital learning avenues
    • Coursera and Udemy – Renowned online platforms that don’t disappoint when it comes to courses on psychological safety. Whether you’re an individual aiming to learn more or an organization seeking structured training, you’ll find a plethora of courses tailored to various depths and complexities.
  • Websites
    • Diversity Best Practices – A comprehensive portal offering a wealth of articles, tools, and resources for organizations aiming to promote diversity and inclusion.
    • Project Aristotle by Google  – Google's initiative on understanding team dynamics discovered that psychological safety was a key factor in successful teams. While not a website dedicated solely to the topic, Google's re:Work site provides a guide based on the findings from Project Aristotle.
    • Psychological Safety Works  – This site provides training and resources specifically aimed at creating psychologically safe workplaces, offering both online and in-person training opportunities.
    • Fearless Culture – This  blog by Gustavo Razzetti frequently discusses psychological safety alongside other organizational culture topics. Razzetti provides actionable insights and tools to build a fearless (psychologically safe) organizational culture.
    • Amy Edmondson's personal page – As the pioneering researcher behind the concept of psychological safety, Amy Edmondson's works, publications, and resources are invaluable. Her personal page at the Harvard Business School offers a list of her research papers, articles, and books on the subject.
    • MindTools – This site often has articles and resources related to leadership and team collaboration. They have covered the topic of psychological safety and its importance in fostering high-performing teams.
    • LinkedIn Learning – While this is a platform for various courses, searching for "psychological safety" will yield several courses and training sessions by experts on building and maintaining psychological safety in teams.
    • The NeuroLeadership Institute – This site takes a neuroscience-based approach to leadership and organizational practices. They frequently discuss psychological safety as it pertains to brain-friendly workplaces.
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