Better Together: An Insider’s Guide to Partner Sessions + Workshops at SpringOne 2021

August 31, 2021 Cory Skimming

As companies embrace the need to provide better customer experiences, understanding what it takes to transform the business and create value is crucial. This has been especially true over the past 18 months, when we have seen a massive shift to digital-first experiences. But transformation is difficult, and modern applications require more than just code (hello, people, processes and toolchains!). 

Transforming and modernizing applications requires finding the tools and technology that work together to enable you to deliver modern, elegant solutions. The technology ecosystem plays a critical role in allowing operations teams to safely and strategically provide developers with the technologies they want while also allowing them to focus on doing what they do best...submitting tickets for infrastructure requests (just kidding!). 

Great partners are the bedrock of a great ecosystem. VMware Tanzu’s technology, cloud, and services partners provide a wide array of solutions that extend the capabilities of our portfolio to help users go fast and stay current. SpringOne is a great opportunity to learn more about how our partners foster innovation, enable customer success, and help you build cool tech! Check out some of the following sessions and featured workshops from our ecosystem:

I want to learn how to use best practices to drive business value 

How to Use KPIs in an Agile Delivery Environment — Performance indicators don't always translate directly into business value. Join Arijit Sarbagna from Atos to discuss a fresh perspective on KPIs and how to use them to answer your key business questions more effectively. 

Accelerate Spring Apps to Cloud at Scale—Discussion with Azure Spring Cloud Customers — This moderated panel discussion will feature customers sharing real-world stories about using Azure Spring Cloud. 

I want to learn how to build and deploy applications using microservices and modern architectures

FEATURED WORKSHOP: Building Microservices with Spring Data, Cassandra, and  — Want to build modern apps using microservices quickly and painlessly? Join the DataStax developers team for this hands-on workshop to learn how to build microservices using Spring and Cassandra, as well as Stargate, a new open source API framework designed to make your data available through any API you can dream up. Limited space available.

FEATURED WORKSHOP: Getting Hands-On with Azure Spring Cloud — In this hands-on workshop with Microsoft, you will learn how to take microservices to the happiest place on Earth—production—with Azure Spring Cloud, without worrying about infrastructure, app lifecycle, and monitoring. Limited space available.

I want to learn how to build highly scalable applications with streaming data and event-driven architectures

FEATURED WORKSHOP: Streaming Applications — The Easy Way! — So, you want to build and run streaming applications. Join Confluent for this hands-on workshop to learn how to use a cloud native approach to build and run modern applications, and a complete event-streaming platform, across multiple Kubernetes environments. Limited space available.

FEATURED WORKSHOP: Developing Asynchronous APIs for the Event-Driven World Using Spring Cloud Stream, AsyncAPI, and an Event Mesh — The Solace team is back at SpringOne with a great hands-on workshop designed to teach you how to build and expand your developer toolbox. Attendees will learn how to define asynchronous APIs, implement them using Spring Cloud Stream microservices, and globally distribute them across multi-cloud and on-premises environments using an event mesh. Limited space available. 

FEATURED WORKSHOP: Discover Distributed SQL with CockroachDB and Spring — In this hands-on workshop with Cockroach Labs, you’ll learn how to use Distributed SQL and the Outbox pattern to build distributed, modern apps with support for transactions in an event-driven environment. Limited space available. 

Reactive Applications with Apache Pulsar and Spring Boot — Get out of the ".block()" running! This session with DataStax will introduce you to a new open source library that adapts the Apache Pulsar Java Client to Reactive Streams. It will also cover the power of combining reactive programming, Apache Pulsar, and Spring Boot. 

Transporting Data at Warp Speed: How to Connect Spring Boot Apps Quickly, Powerfully, and Painlessly — Join Mark Heckler, cloud advocate at Microsoft, for a live-coding adventure exploring various powerful options for data transport among your critical services.

Driving the Data Pipelines for Connected Vehicles with Spring Cloud Data Flow — As vehicle technologies continue to evolve, the data generated inside vehicles continues to grow exponentially. In this session, Banu Parasuraman from Wipro will discuss how an auto company built a data pipeline with Spring Cloud Data Flow to ingest increasing amounts of raw data from disparate sources and move the data to a destination for storage and analysis.

Creating Polyglot Communication Between Kubernetes Clusters and Legacy Systems with an Event Mesh — How can we build Spring- and non-Spring-based communication between Kubernetes clusters and legacy systems in a way that accounts for different development languages and messaging protocols? Learn how in this session with Solace and VMware. 

I want to learn what's new in the world of Spring and data 

Leap Ahead with Redis 6.2 — Calling all Redis users and enthusiasts! This session will cover all things new and noteworthy in Redis 6.2 and Spring Data Redis 2.6. 

I want to learn how to build better, more secure applications using DevSecOps practices 

FEATURED WORKSHOP: DevSecOps for Spring Boot Applications — A hands-on workshop with our friends at Contrast Security will teach you how to use Azure Spring Cloud, Contrast Security, and GitHub Actions to automate security within the developer stack and scale it across your entire application portfolio. Limited space available.

Understanding the Security Landscape of Kubernetes with VMware Tanzu — In this session, Accenture will explore how VMware's offerings—both Tanzu and Octarine from Carbon Black—help enterprise teams take advantage of and go beyond Kubernetes' innate security capabilities.

Security as Code: A DevSecOps Approach — How can we use lessons learned from DevOps to implement a successful DevSecOps culture? Join GitHub to learn how to improve the collaboration between Development and Security teams and help nurture a culture of security across the organization.

See something you like? There is still time to register for SpringOne, September 1–2, 2021 

Do good while learning new skills! All of our workshops this year have a small registration fee that registrants get to direct to the charity of their choice through GlobalGiving.

To learn more about the partners mentioned above, you can also request a meeting with any of our SpringOne sponsors, or check out some of the sponsor interviews on Tanzu.TV.

For more information on our partner ecosystem, be sure to check out: 

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