Between Chair and Keyboard with Soby Chacko

June 12, 2023

Please join Nate Schutta and guest Soby Chacko. Soby is a core committer to Spring Cloud Stream and a co-lead for Spring for Apache Pulsar and the Kafka binders in Spring Cloud Stream. He is also a contributor to various other Spring projects at VMware. He loves solving event-driven and distributed stream processing system complexities, and he aims to address the gaps with the help of Spring Cloud Stream. In this role, Soby is responsible for building new feature capabilities in Spring for Apache Pulsar and Spring Cloud Stream, primarily focused on Apache Kafka and Kafka Streams and fostering the open-source community behind these projects. Before joining the Spring engineering team formerly at Pivotal, Soby has extensively worked with building enterprise-grade software systems using Spring and other JVM technologies in various lines of business.

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