iAuth: Registration Design Pattern — Dazza Greenwood, Civics.com

May 31, 2016

Learn with Dazza Greenwood about the iAuth method and structure for business, legal & technical integrated architecture and system rules and personal data sharing user-granted permissions. This new streamlined and simplified approach to legal terms and OAuth 2 permissions management could offer new insights and options on your next project. The iAuth approach applies an architectural method and structure to otherwise standard and widely used web protocols for user grants of authorization to access their online resources. The IAuth approach specifically involves defining the relevant underlying context and the supported use cases on three planes: business, legal and technical. By articulating relevant requirements and interdependencies from the vantage point of each of these three key domains, it is possible to define and model a sufficiently complete and verifiably compliant statement of business, legal and technical use cases comprising a concept of operations for the services, apps and other components needed to launch and operate the system. Learn more at: http://web.mit.edu/law/IAuth/ Speaker: Dazza Greenwood, Founder, Civics.com

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