Delivering Simplicity in Provisioning Multi-Cloud Services with Tanzu Application Platform and Upbound

April 18, 2023 Lloyd Woodroffe

Today we are excited to announce our partnership with Upbound, a certified VMware Tanzu Application Platform partner!

With this partnership, customers can deliver services across multiple clouds, more quickly, and at scale, thus accelerating new capabilities and a better, more seamless experience. More specifically, the VMware Tanzu–Upbound partnership:

  • Eases consumption of services for developers of multi-cloud via APIs​
  • Simplifies deployments with dynamic provisioning for platform engineers across infrastructure from multiple cloud providers​
  • Scales control planes along with growth in Kubernetes clusters​, reducing complexity

VMware Tanzu has always been committed to empowering developers in deploying applications with ease, and partnering with Upbound is another step in achieving that goal with the latest release of Tanzu Application Platform 1.5.

VMware is working with Upbound to integrate the core services required for platform engineers and developers to implement and deliver new API-based services more effectively, quickly, and securely across multiple cloud providers.

The solution provided by this partnership can enable Tanzu Application Platform customers to provision data services dynamically within Tanzu Application Platform powered by Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP). Services currently enabled for dynamic provisioning include Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Kinesis, and Amazon ElastiCache for Redis leveraging the UXP Amazon Web Services (AWS) provider. In addition, there are out-of-the-box services from Bitnami and VMware Application Catalog including MySQL, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, and Redis.

Hear from our customers

Our customers are already benefiting from this new integration. Here's just one example:

“The new dynamic provisioning functionality [in Tanzu Application Platform 1.5] is a true game changer in terms of developer experience, and helps platform teams truly meet their goal of being enablers for the business and not being stumbling blocks in the way to production. The integration with Crossplane is a great choice in my opinion, and I am truly excited to see how this integration deepens and grows over future releases."

—Scott Rosenberg, Lead Architect in the CTO Office, TeraSky 

Read more about Scott’s experience with Tanzu Application Platform 1.5 and Crossplane

The future of partnership

We are excited to continue working with Upbound to bring innovation and efficiency to enterprises running cloud native infrastructure. 

“Upbound is working with partners across the cloud native ecosystem to enable platform teams to build, deploy, and operate control planes at scale and powered by Crossplane. We look forward to working with VMware to bring efficiency and scalability to enterprises running cloud native infrastructure.”

—Rob Clark, Vice President of Partnerships, Upbound

Learn more

You can learn more about the VMware Tanzu partnership with Upbound and Crossplane by visiting our booth at KubeCon or checking out our VMware TechDocs

For a complete rundown of all the new features in Tanzu Application Platform 1.5, be sure to visit this blog post

Get ready to take your application development experience to the next level with VMware Tanzu Application Platform and Upbound!

About Upbound and UXP

Upbound is the company behind open source Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Crossplane. Crossplane utilizes the Kubernetes resource model to expose reusable APIs as a framework to create control planes to deliver a standardized experience to build and consume cloud services. Universal Crossplane (UXP), is Upbound's fully tested and supported version of open source software (OSS) Crossplane. Learn more about the partnership from Upbound in Upbound’s announcement blog.

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