Application Modernization Should Be Business-Centric, Continuous and Multiplatform

Modernization efforts that do not start with a focus on business value will ultimately disappoint. Historically app dev leaders have taken an IT-centric approach to modernization - one that focuses on simply adding new applications and platforms to an already bloated and complex landscape. This approach ultimately increases costs and builds up even more technical debt. 

According to Gartner Research, “by 2025, technical debt will continue to compound on top of existing technical debt consuming more than 40% of the current IT budget.”

In this latest research note, Application Modernization Should Be Business-Centric, Continuous and Multiplatform, Gartner recommends app leaders:  

  • Modernize critical business capabilities, not only specific applications.
  • Manage collections of business capabilities as products or services.
  • Manage products across their full life cycle rather than only during related projects.

Don’t be another statistic of failed modernization efforts and technical debt! Read this Gartner report to learn more about how to lead a successful app modernization strategy!

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