Oct 19 - Greenplum Database with Active Directory Integration at Scale

Greenplum Database with Active Directory Integration at Scale
Thursday, October 19, 2023 @ 10AM PT | LinkedIn Live
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Join Heimdall Data, Greenplum, and Carahsoft in collaboration with AWS: Organizations worldwide use Active Directory and group membership to manage authorization to data. However, PostgreSQL and Greenplum administrators manually configure user roles, bypassing the centralized enterprise management of groups in Active Directory.  

Learn how roles can be automatically updated in Active Directory and synchronized to the database.

We will discuss how one of Greenplum’s largest environments improved scale and secured data access all without application changes.

Erik Brandsberg, Chief Technology Officer, Heimdall Data 
Ivan Novick, Director of Product Management, Greenplum

Thursday, October 19, 2023 @ 10AM PT | LinkedIn Live
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