Jul 24 - Exploring the State of Cloud Native App Platforms and VMware Tanzu

Exploring the State of Cloud Native App Platforms and VMware Tanzu
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
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With Kubernetes recently celebrating its 10th year, the cloud native ecosystem is at an inflection point. As companies look to realize value from their cloud native implementations, we expect a focus on standardization and simplicity. 

With this in mind Tanzu, a division of Broadcom, has launched its annual State of Cloud Native Application Platforms report, previously the State of Kubernetes. Simultaneously, we’ve reintroduced the Tanzu Platform with a focus on simplifying the app development and delivery process regardless of application type, business requirements or runtime needs. 

Built for platform engineers, Tanzu Platform empowers development teams by allowing them to focus on the four golden commands (build, bind, deploy, and scale) and integrates security enhancing capabilities trusted by security teams. 

During this webinar, we discuss:

  • How organizations benefit from cloud native use cases and ecosystems.
  • The four golden commands featured in Tanzu Platform.
  • Trends and predictions to understand the future of cloud native application platforms.

Join us for an interactive session! In the meantime download the report here.

The VMware Tanzu Team

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 @ 10:00 AM PDT | Register Now

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