Two Friends Talking Tanzu - What Is VMware Tanzu? Part 3: Deploy and Bind

July 2, 2024

Oren and Whitney continue outlining the steps an application takes as it traverses the ‘Golden Path to Production’, and how Tanzu Platform provides consistency and improves user experience throughout the journey. They discuss the absolutely simple experience of deploying an application to an application space and binding that app to one or many backing services, and how platform engineers can enable this for the developers that they serve.

Two Friends Talking Tanzu - What Is VMware Tanzu? Part 2: Build and Package
Two Friends Talking Tanzu - What Is VMware Tanzu? Part 2: Build and Package

Oren and Whitney briefly talk about the history of Tanzu, then they dive in to a discussion about the first...

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Two Friends Talking Tanzu - What Is VMware Tanzu? Part 4: Tanzu Hub
Two Friends Talking Tanzu - What Is VMware Tanzu? Part 4: Tanzu Hub

Tanzu Hub is the center of the Tanzu universe. It is the integration point for all personas, and it is the ...