⚡️ Enlightning - An Introduction to Fluentd and Fluent Bit

May 20, 2024

An Introduction to Fluentd and Fluent Bit: How to Collect Data from Any Source and Send It to Any Location In this session, Whitney Lee and Fluent Bit creator and maintainer Eduardo Silva Pererira talk about how and why Fluent Bit was created, and the community’s commitment to creating the most performant and versatile open source agent for collecting, processing, transforming, and routing telemetry data. We’ll unpack how to collect event data from any source, enrich it with filters, and send it to any destination. Finally, we’ll get an inside look at some of the latest quality of life improvements and performance enhancements for the popular open source telemetry agent. #Fluentd #FluentBit #DistributedLogging #CNCF

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Using AI in Healthcare: Diagnostics, Patient Records, Research, Revenue Management, with JT Perry

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⚡️ Enlightning - Evolving Multi-tenant Kubernetes Log Collection with the Logging Operator
⚡️ Enlightning - Evolving Multi-tenant Kubernetes Log Collection with the Logging Operator

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