Tanzu Talk News - VMware Explore, k8s 1.25, Heroku’s free tier EoL’ed, NGINIX talks OSS, Serverless

September 7, 2022

Catching up on the news in the cloud and app dev space, with @cote, @egrigson, and @benbravo73. Recorded on Sep 7th, 2022. 🎙 Subscribe to the podcast, if you prefer that format: https://www.tanzutalk.com

DevOps Loop @ VMware Explore: building developer communities, with Lisa Marie Namphy, Cockroach Labs
DevOps Loop @ VMware Explore: building developer communities, with Lisa Marie Namphy, Cockroach Labs

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DevOps Loop @ VMware Explore - Jen Kelly on Backstage
DevOps Loop @ VMware Explore - Jen Kelly on Backstage

Jen Kelly goes over what Backstage is. She then talks with Alex Williams from @TheNewStack. Index: 1:06 - ...