VMware Named an Outperformer in 2023 GigaOm Radar Report for GitOps

September 20, 2023 Carol Pereira

VMware is pleased to reveal that we have been named an Outperformer in the 2023 GigaOm Radar Report for GitOps.

In the outperformer ring and moving closer to a leadership position, VMware has been placed in the Platform Play and Innovation quadrant.

The GigaOm Radar for GitOps shows VMware as an outperformer.

The GitOps offering evaluated by GigaOm was VMware Tanzu Mission Control (which provides Flux CD and Terraform support) and was rated as exceptional for platform support and developer experience.

GigaOm considers developer experience to be a key criteria and recognizes that VMware has done a good job of making Tanzu solutions accessible to both highly technical and UI-based users. Furthermore, the analyst firm believes this to be the direction in which the entire technology segment needs to move, so that specialists can set up and define things such as infrastructure, but less experienced staff can also use the UI to apply those definitions.

"Accessibility is the greatest strength of the VMware product. Making a tool that works for both specialist technical staff and less technical operators is a challenge across GitOps, and VMware is ahead of the curve."

—Don MacVittie, research analyst at GigaOm

According to Don MacVittie, the author of this report, VMware was the only vendor who explained cross-cluster testing and the ability to use the results of that testing to perform reconciliations. In fact, MacVittie believes this to be the logical conclusion to GitOps: the ability to monitor and manage an application no matter how far-flung the pieces of that application become.

The challenge highlighted in the report regarding the VMware solution was the lack of a local-only option. This challenge is now overcome with the recent launch of a self-managed deployment option for Tanzu Mission Control, which caters to customers in highly regulated environments and those who work with air-gapped environments or sovereign clouds.

GitOps evaluation criteria

The report evaluates GitOps vendors on a variety of key criteria, including

  • Platform support
  • Rollback vs. redeploy
  • Drift monitoring and reconciliation
  • Developer experience
  • Integrations

VMware received either good or exceptional ratings for all of the criteria listed above.

Next steps

Download the report to read the full analysis and watch this on-demand webinar covering how Tanzu Mission Control supports platform teams with infrastructure automation and package management with support for Terraform, GitOps, and Helm.

About the Author

Carol Pereira

Carol Pereira is a product line marketing manager and a member of the VMware Tanzu team. She has developed most of her career in the enterprise software industry and, in her current role, she focuses on increasing product awareness by leveraging product-led growth strategies and helping customers resolve their Kubernetes management challenges.

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