The Foolproof Guide to Modernizing Your Portfolio

Portfolio modernization is tough. Depending on the size of your organization, you could have hundreds, if not thousands, of apps in your portfolio – all with their own dependencies and data. How do you parse through all that noise? Surprisingly, that seems to be an open question for organizations everywhere – even highly technologically advanced ones.

With our experience working with countless organizations across the globe, we’ve found that many companies are still struggling to get it right. With the Foolproof Guide to Portfolio Modernization, you’ll learn the tools and techniques to use for a successful portfolio modernization initiative.

Scaling for Success: A Roadmap to Application Modernization for Financial Services
Scaling for Success: A Roadmap to Application Modernization for Financial Services

Data Science and the Balanced Team
Data Science and the Balanced Team

In this playbook you’ll find our advice for effective ways to bring this capability—and the humans who driv...