⚡️ Enlightning - Remocal K8s Development FTW: Telepresence 101

February 19, 2023

Telepresence is a CNCF project that enables you to seamlessly connect your local dev machine to a remote Kubernetes cluster. You can interact with remote services as if they were running locally, and you can route remote traffic to your local development machine. The remote/local "remocal" experience makes for a much faster inner dev loop. In this session, you will learn about the motivations and history of the Telepresence project. You'll get an overview of the Telepresence architecture, the use cases, and some of the benefits and challenges of using "remocal" development and debugging. Telepresence can often be one of those tools you didn't know existed, but once you do, you'll wonder how you developed K8s apps without it! Featuring guest Daniel Bryant! Telepresence episode page → https://via.vmw.com/Telepresence Related links → https://www.telepresence.io/ Check out past and future episodes of ⚡️ Enlightning → https://via.vmware.com/EgCX Subscribe to VMware Tanzu to see more videos like this in the future → https://via.vmw.com/EhbH Whitney's YouTube Channel → https://www.youtube.com/@wiggitywhitney #telepresence #devops #CNCF #Kubernetes #CloudNative #OpenSource #k8s

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