What is "waste" in software development, with Steve Pereira - Tanzu Talk

December 18, 2023

The phrase "value stream" is used so often in software development that it's easy to forget exactly what it means. "Waste" is another word like that. In this episode, @thecote talks with Steve Pereira about value stream mappings, what waste is, exactly, and why it's so difficult to do what seems like an obviously good idea, like value stream mapping. - Steve in LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/devopsto - Steve's book: https://itrevolution.com/product/flow-engineering - Flow community: https://flowcollective.org - Awesome waste/countermeasure handout, including definitions of waste: https://github.com/devopsenterprise/2020-Las-Vegas-Virtual/tree/main/Paula-Thrasher Index: 00:00 Introduction to the Concept of Waste 00:53 Understanding Waste in Software Development 02:10 Personal Experience with Waste 05:15 Breaking Down Different Types of Waste 07:49 The Role of Slack in Reducing Waste 17:44 The Importance of Visibility in Identifying Waste 21:28 Challenges in Implementing Value Stream Mapping 23:52 The Problem with Change and the Need for Course Correction 24:18 Adapting Value Stream Mapping to Fit Available Time 25:25 The Power of Time Boxing and Parkinson's Law 26:32 The Challenge of Optimizing for the Future 26:58 The Paradox of Efficiency in Organizations 28:03 The Importance of Engineering the Work Process 29:16 Flow Engineering: Solving Problems with Classical Engineering Methodology 29:49 The Importance of Improving Developer Productivity 31:14 The Challenges in Government Organizations 33:08 Understanding the Concept of Value 34:46 The Three Dimensions of Value: Customers, Organization, and Contributors 43:33 The Practical Application of Value Stream Mapping 50:40 Conclusion and Further Resources

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