Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu Highlighted in IDC Spotlight

April 28, 2022 Vivian Clark

The International Data Corporation (IDC) recently published a Spotlight paper titled “Transforming Workloads Through Application Modernization.” The paper highlights Application Transformer for VMware Tanzu as a tool that companies can use as they develop a plan to modernize their existing applications and drive workloads to Kubernetes platforms like VMware Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations.

Modernizing and transforming applications and moving to a cloud native platform are near-universal goals. IDC estimates that there are 500 million legacy applications in use. There is an investment to bring these applications onto a more modern distributed deployment platform through microservicescontainers, Kubernetes, and DevOps.

Container and microservice adoptions are increasing. A global IDC survey (IDC PaaSView and the Developer, 2021) shows that almost 40% of about 2,500 respondents are piloting the use of containers.

Adoption of refactoring technologies
Describe your organization's degree of adoption of the following technologies.

Chart, bar chartDescription automatically generatedSource: IDC PaaSView and the Developer, 2021

The use of containers is driven in part by the adoption of microservices to architect modern applications. Study data shows that organizations are well on their way to modernize their legacy applications. The same IDC PaaSView and the Developer survey shows that close to 100% of more than 2,300 respondents worldwide are embracing one or more of the modern application development and deployment techniques in their organization. Additionally, nearly two-thirds of the respondents report that 60% or more of their applications have already been modernized in some capacity.

Modernization efforts on legacy applications
What proportion of your legacy applications have been modernized?

Both containers and microservices are closely aligned with Kubernetes as it is the de facto standard for container orchestration. Organizations need to identify tools to help their application modernization efforts and platform to deploy their modern applications.

VMware provides these tools, techniques, and platforms. Application Transformer for Tanzu offers a rich set of capabilities for discovering, analyzing, and containerizing legacy applications. It creates visual topologies of the existing application environment, removes tedious manual processes, and improves application discovery efficiency through automation. It ultimately simplifies customers’ application modernization journey and allows organizations to identify and containerize suitable workloads and deploy them onto Tanzu Kubernetes clusters.

To learn more, download the entire IDC Spotlight (sponsored by VMware) on “Transforming Workloads Through Application Modernization.”

In addition, there will be a webinar on May 12 with guest speaker IDC analyst Al Gillen and Matt Russell, who leads VMware’s Rapid Portfolio Modernization practice on this very topic. They will discuss the changing nature of application development, adoption trends in microservices, containers, and Kubernetes to become cloud native, as well as the benefits of application modernization, and tools and techniques available today. Register now.

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