Bryan Ross

Bryan Ross is a Tanzu executive advisor on the VMware Tanzu team. He brings 20 years of real-world industry experience to help some of VMware’s largest and most interesting customers accelerate and demonstrate business value from cloud native technologies.

  • Digital Transformation Bottlenecks: You Can’t Change the Organization

    Digital Transformation Bottlenecks: You Can’t Change the Organization

    Digital transformation isn’t just about buying new software. Tools are impotent without complementary team structures, processes, and skills. See why organizational structure must adapt too.

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  • Five Checks for Executives Doing Digital Transformation

    Five Checks for Executives Doing Digital Transformation

    As an executive, you play a crucial role in leading and supporting change. Here are five checks you should perform regularly to ensure that your transformation is on track and delivering value.

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  • All Talk and No Tools

    All Talk and No Tools

    Any significant improvement in software, operations, or infrastructure involves new tools and methodologies. Teams must be equipped with the right resources to transform ideas into tangible outcomes.

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  • Digital Transformation Bottlenecks: Crusties Who Are Reluctant to Change

    Digital Transformation Bottlenecks: Crusties Who Are Reluctant to Change

    By continually investing in user satisfaction and engagement, technology teams can cultivate a thriving advocate community that not only attracts more users but also helps shape the platform's future.

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  • Empowerment without Clarity Is Chaos

    Empowerment without Clarity Is Chaos

    Having a well-defined corporate vision and strategy helps align the efforts of different teams and departments, facilitates decision making, and guides resource allocation.

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  • Transformation without Belief Is a Waste

    Transformation without Belief Is a Waste

    Getting people to believe in change is critical to success. But that's easier said than done. Here are tips for helping people see past their pessimism, feel inspired, and get involved.

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  • How to Solve the Skills Problem

    How to Solve the Skills Problem

    Numerous reports cite a lack of in-house expertise as one of the top challenges when adopting cloud native technologies and practices. Here are three steps you can take to bridge the skills gap.

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  • Digital Transformation Bottlenecks: Bottom-up Change Doesn’t Work

    Digital Transformation Bottlenecks: Bottom-up Change Doesn’t Work

    Effecting change in an enterprise environment is hard. While individual teams can make meaningful improvements to the way they work, significant strategic change must come from the top.

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  • To Succeed at Digital Transformation, Do Less

    To Succeed at Digital Transformation, Do Less

    When building the business case for a change initiative, it’s easy to overpromise. But doing so only sets you up for failure. These four tips will help you create a business case you can deliver on.

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  • The Power of a Path-to-Production Workshop

    The Power of a Path-to-Production Workshop

    A smooth CI/CD pipeline is key to any successful digital transformation. See how a simple path-to-production analysis can identify bottlenecks and help you get from code to production faster.

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  • Platforms as a Superpower

    Platforms as a Superpower

    Simply building a platform does not mean your developers will use it. Learn the importance of treating your platform like a product to realize the full benefits it can bring to your organization.

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  • 5 Ways to Cure Your Tech Debt Crisis

    5 Ways to Cure Your Tech Debt Crisis

    Much like financial debt, technical debt limits what you can do. Here’s how organizations can pay down their tech debt, and five steps they can take to keep it from accruing in the first place.

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  • Securing Your Environment with Tools Before Rules

    Securing Your Environment with Tools Before Rules

    How “shift left, shield right” can reduce the time and cost of developing secure software—and four tools that give you more security controls over your application lifecycle.

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  • Making Compliance a Feature, Rather than Friction

    Making Compliance a Feature, Rather than Friction

    Compliance builds customer and government trust, but it can slow down software development. Here are three ways to be compliant and agile at the same time.

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