Made for Each Other Microservices + PaaS

December 1, 2014

Companies need to build better software faster to compete. But existing monolithic applications, legacy platforms, and lengthy operational deployment cycles are holding innovation back. Microservices are becoming the cloud architecture of choice because they offer the ability to loosely couple applications into discrete services that can be surgically changed without requiring disruptive overhauls. This approach enables the responsiveness and rapid change needed by the business. Enterprise PaaS is a critical foundation to simplify the operations, governance, and health management of these new architectures. Together with a DevOps culture, microservices and PaaS are the engine that drives innovation at speed. In this webinar you will learn: How Continuous Delivery drives business innovation What you need to know about microservices to get started How to use enterprise PaaS to facilitate operational agility Join us on November 18th for Pivotal and RedMonk’s web seminar: Made for Each Other: Microservices + PaaS, where you will learn how to architect your applications for rapid innovation. Donnie Berkholz, IT Industry Analyst, RedMonk Donnie is an IT industry analyst at RedMonk as well as an open-source developer and leader of Gentoo Linux. He brings a strong quantitative and analytical background as a Ph.D.-trained scientist to bear on software development and community management. Matt Stine, Cloud Foundry Platform Engineer, Pivotal Matt Stine is a Cloud Foundry Platform Engineer at Pivotal. He is a 15 year veteran of the enterprise IT industry, with experience spanning multiple business verticals. His current specialty is helping enterprise IT drive faster and more innovative value streams through cloud-native application architectures, leveraging the techniques of Continuous Delivery, DevOps, and Microservices on Pivotal Cloud Foundry. View Slides:

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