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Kubernetes for Operators

Cloud native technologies are new and evolving fast. There’s a lot to learn. This eBook will help you map your company’s journey to containers and Kubernetes, including important questions your team should ask itself and an exploration of the most common missteps.

You'll learn:

  • Why Operators should care about Kubernetes and Containers
  • Elements of Kubernetes that all Operators should know about
  • The top six questions to answer upfront
  • Which flavor of Kubernetes is right for you
  • How to avoid common missteps

Download the eBook today!

Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Solution Brief 2023
Tanzu for Kubernetes Operations Solution Brief 2023

Nov 3 - VMUG Webcast: How VMware Tanzu Helps Kubernetes Operators
Nov 3 - VMUG Webcast: How VMware Tanzu Helps Kubernetes Operators