Unlocking Unconscious Bias: “Brain Tools” for Agile Teams and Organizations – Rory Gerberg

February 25, 2017

An agile organization is one whose team members are empowered to respond to complexity and move forward in the face of uncertainty. Team members must be equipped with the “brain tools” to be effective communicators in difficult circumstances—to be comfortable asking for help while retaining self-confidence, to hear the difficult truth from a direct report who is irritating, and to collaborate with team members across an ever-widening political chasm. In this talk, Rory Gerberg explains how individuals’ unconscious biases affect teams, and will provide a step-by-step framework to help individuals make more effective decisions for their team and organization. Speaker: Rory Gerberg is the Chief Operating Officer of Refound, where she collaborates with clients across sectors—from graduate students at Harvard University to large companies in Silicon Valley—to help them to diagnose problems and develop solutions to improve organizational culture. She has advised educational institutions on sexual harassment policies, designed workplace training programs, and monitored legal compliance with government regulations. Originally from New York, she moonlights as a salsa dancer and looks forward to her next 5-day backpacking trek.

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Pivotal #WomensDay2017

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