Delivering Effective Feedback – Jared Friese

July 19, 2017

Giving feedback is essential to making people and processes more efficient and most pleasant. Jared explores what makes giving feedback hard and how you can change that. Speaker: Jared Friese, Pivotal Santa Monica

Pivotal Cloud Cache Demo - Session State Caching
Pivotal Cloud Cache Demo - Session State Caching

Session state caching is one of the most common use cases for caching. With the Pivotal Cloud Cache (PCC) s...

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OSSAT 2017 - Intro to Pivotal Cloud Foundry & Steeltoe by Zach Brown
OSSAT 2017 - Intro to Pivotal Cloud Foundry & Steeltoe by Zach Brown

A recent discussion of Steeltoe, Cloud Foundry, and cloud-native .NET from OSSAT 2017.