Creating Great Products Using Dual-Track Agile — Magda Cortez

January 13, 2017

This talk was given at the Lean Startup Sydney meetup, hosted at Pivotal Labs Sydney. Learn more at and Speaker: Magda Cortez , Senior Product Manager, eBay (Gumtree) Magda Cortez is a curious and creative product manager who has spent the last 12 years crafting cross-platform digital experiences. She is the Senior Product Manager at eBay Classifieds Group currently working on Gumtree. Magda is responsible for shaping experiences that connect buyers, sellers and brands within Gumtree using data, messaging and bot technology. She is also a mentor to emerging start-ups and teaches Product Management at General Assembly. Previously, Magda worked at News Corp and Ninemsn where she applied design thinking and lean/agile principals to product development.

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