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Security and Compliance with Pivotal Cloud Foundry

October 24, 2017

Security threats to enterprise systems and data have never been greater. The volume of threats you face is growing at an exponential rate. Attackers are moving faster and faster. 

Regulations and compliance standards demand significant time and attention. Industry rules must inform how you innovate and where you invest.

Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), a modern, cloud-native platform, can play an instrumental role in improving your security and compliance posture. At the same time, it can also help your development and operations teams work more effectively. 

In this paper, we review the security features of PCF, and discuss how you can use them to reduce risk in your organization.

About the Authors

Ben Bertka, Senior Platform Architect, Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Sujit Mohanty, Federal CTO and Director of Federal Platform Architecture
Jared Ruckle, Principal Product Marketing Manager, Pivotal

An Internet of Things Platform Powered by Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Microsoft Azure
An Internet of Things Platform Powered by Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Microsoft Azure

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