What is a Service Mesh? And Why Would You Want One?

September 15, 2023

The three of us are back to discuss what a service mesh is and why it exists as a stand-alone thing. The result we come to is that you want this kind of network control and management as its own layer, not something that’s built into the stack. Come see us at: - VMware Explore EU: https://www.vmware.com/explore/eu.html - SpringOne Tour Amsterdam, Oct 9th: https://connect.tanzu.vmware.com/EMEA_P7_DG_FE_Q324_Event_S1TourAmsterdam_TanzuLP-AltS1TBanner.html - SpringOne Tour London, Oct 12th: https://connect.tanzu.vmware.com/EMEA_P7_DG_FE_Q324_Event_S1TourLondon_TanzuLP-AltS1TBanner.html Links: - Gartner’s overview, Market Guide for Service Mesh: https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/4593099 - GigaOm’s Service mesh radar: https://gigaom.com/report/gigaom-radar-for-service-mesh-2/

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