3 Reasons to Speed up Your Software Release Cycle
Dive into more: https://tanzu.vmware.com/accelerated-app-delivery?utm_source=cote&utm_campaign=devrel&utm_medium=video&utm_content=TanzuTalk20231206 Here's the IRS example mentioned: https://youtu.be/qp8v6VNdrDQ?si=-saNgtOhXu9tAFGb&t=364 Index: 00:00 - Faster Release Cycles 00:12 - Speeding up your business 01:30 - How frequently you should ship 01:56 - Data-driven strategy & product management 03:51 - Quality: performance, security, governance 04:23 - Security 05:40 - Governance 08:31 - VMware Tanzu does it all!