How Big is Too Big? Problems with Scale at T-Mobile - Brendan Aye & James Webb, T-Mobile

April 15, 2019

How Big is Too Big? Problems with Scale at T-Mobile - Brendan Aye & James Webb, T-Mobile Over the last three years, T-Mobile has leaned in heavily on Cloud Foundry and the boost it brought to developer productivity. As the platform popularity "hockey-sticked", so did problems with operating large foundations. Through it all, we struggled to find answers to two important questions: How big is too big for a foundation? How many foundations is too many? Without clear answers, we stumbled in to the limit for both for our environment. Running entirely on-premise, hardware constraints underpinned most of the problems faced, as well as the possible solutions. We'll walk through some of the issues that came up in our larger foundations and what we did about them. About Brendan Aye Cloud Foundry Platform Architect, T-Mobile Brendan Aye is the Principal Cloud Foundry architect at T-Mobile, where he has been working with Cloud Foundry for four years. About James Webb Member of Technical Staff, Platform Architecture, T-Mobile Technical leader with 20+ years of infrastructure background currently focused on bringing on-premise Cloud Foundry & Kubernetes goodness to the enterprise.

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