Spring Office Hours: S3E15 - Modern frontends with htmx

April 23, 2024

Join Dan Vega and DaShaun Carter for the latest updates from the Spring Ecosystem. In this episode we sit down with special guest Wim Deblauwe who is the author of Modern Frontends with HTMX. This book focuses on using htmx with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf to build dynamic interactive web applications. This will be a great introduction for anyone curious about what htmx is and how to get started with it in Spring. Join our live stream to get your questions answered, or watch the replay on your preferred podcast platform.

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Spring Office Hours S3E16 - Spring AI & Google Gemini

Join Dan Vega and DaShaun Carter for the latest updates from the Spring Ecosystem. In this episode, our spe...

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Spring Office Hours: S3E14 - Spring Boot Frontends
Spring Office Hours: S3E14 - Spring Boot Frontends

Join Dan Vega and DaShaun Carter for the latest updates from the Spring Ecosystem. This episode explores th...