Cloud-Native Patterns for Data-Intensive Applications

August 30, 2018
Are you interested in learning how to schedule batch jobs in container runtimes? Maybe you’re wondering how to apply continuous delivery in practice for data-intensive applications? Perhaps you’re looking for an orchestration tool for data pipelines? Questions like these are common, so rest assured that you’re not alone. In this webinar, we’ll cover the recent feature improvements in Spring Cloud Data Flow. More specifically, we’ll discuss data processing use cases and how they simplify the overall orchestration experience in cloud runtimes like Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes. Please join us and be part of the community discussion!
JUnit 5: the Next Step in Automated Testing
JUnit 5: the Next Step in Automated Testing

SpringOne Platform 2018 JUnit 5: the Next Step in Automated Testing - Sam Brannen, Swiftmind

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