Reactive Applications on Apache Tomcat and Servlet 3.1 containers

December 13, 2017
SpringOne Platform 2017 Violeta Georgieva, Pivotal "Scalability and resilience are important key goals, characteristics for modern applications. To achieve this, applications can use non-blocking, event-driven manner that scale with a small number of threads with backpressure as a key ingredient. In Spring Framework 5, a new reactive stack is introduced, which includes Servlet/Reactive Streams bridge. Using this new capability it is possible to create reactive applications that can be deployed on Apache Tomcat or any Servlet 3.1 compatible containers. In this session you will learn how to leverage this bridge in your applications. In addition you will look behind the scene and see how this bridge is implemented supporting both HTTP and Websocket protocols. Performance comparison will be presented showing the benefits of the new approach."
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Reactive DDD: Modeling Uncertainty

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