RabbitMQ: What’s New & Changing after 10 Years of Application Messaging?

March 21, 2017
10 years ago, RabbitMQ was first released to open source. Since that time, RabbitMQ has grown to become the most widely deployed open source message broker. Whether you’re familiar with RabbitMQ or just learning, you’ll want to tune into this webinar with Daniel Carwin, development manager for the RabbitMQ team. Learn about the latest capabilities of RabbitMQ, and hear the future vision of how it will evolve to meet tomorrow’s application needs. We’ll cover the following: - Brief history of RabbitMQ - Core design principles and how they help today’s applications - Common use cases and patterns - Your questions answered Latest features of RabbitMQ: - Messaging - Language support - Distributed deployment - Enterprise & cloud support - Management and monitoring - Future vision and roadmap for RabbitMQ Presenters: Daniel Carwin, RabbitMQ Development Lead, Pivotal & Greg Chase, Pivotal Watch the webinar: https://content.pivotal.io/webinars/rabbitmq-whats-new-and-changing-after-10-years-of-application-messaging?utm_source=pivotal-brighttalk&utm_medium=webinar-link&utm_campaign=10-years-of-rabbitmq_q117
Apr 18 - Orchestration Patterns for Microservices with Messaging by RabbitMQ Webinar
Apr 18 - Orchestration Patterns for Microservices with Messaging by RabbitMQ Webinar

Mar 21 - RabbitMQ: What's New and Changing after 10 Years of Application Messaging Webinar
Mar 21 - RabbitMQ: What's New and Changing after 10 Years of Application Messaging Webinar